Testimonials (page 1)‘LMI is what we were called before we changed our name to Street Combatives’A great philosopher once said “we learn by doing”. A great CQC instructor says “this is how you rock the bad guy’s world”. Then he pops you to make sure you get the point. Book learners and fancy dancers need not apply. The LMI experience is straight forward, hands on, literally “in your face” training that relentlessly focuses on the mind set and technique necessary to neutralize and counter violent threats to your personal safety. My investment in a 3 course combination of Close Quarters Combat, Defensive Knife and Close Quarter Gun fighting proved to be especially productive. Core training concepts were repeated and reinforced in a variety of scenarios sharing the same goal: victorious survival of a deadly confrontation. Realistic exercises produced a profound paradigm shift that’s difficult to put into words. Suffice to say that while my personal safety was never in doubt, I was popped, choked, slashed and shot until I clearly understood what needs to be done to get home safe at the end of a very bad day. If you harbor any doubts about your ability to physically respond in a tight spot, want to build your confidence or are just looking to polish existing close combat skills, I highly recommend that you give Ron a call. The modest tuition may prove to be the best life insurance you ever buy.
Anthony B
Hello! I just wanted to take the time to comment on Ron's course! I
took one of his introductory courses on 02/17/09 And Ill definitely be
coming back for more! I must say my first impression on meeting Ron
was he was very ordinary looking, very polite, courteous and friendly
which was very welcoming(which I have to say was not what I expected
from a CQC instructor) however He is a wolf in sheeps clothing for
sure(much like I expected a a CQC instructor to be like minus the
sheep skin)!
After a brief introduction we went into his gym and went over what we
would be learning over the next few hours while we waited for the
other classmate to arrive. Oh and I have to say Ron is no sheep at all
when it was time to get to business he was all wolf and had as much
passion and desire to teach his skills to us!
Ron has extensive and unique training tools to teach hand to hand,
knife fighting and defense, and much more, in a very easy to learn
package! All of what we learned in the intro class was built from a few
key components that we just built from to better suit our attack or
defense whether it was from a fist, a grab, a knife , a bat or what ever..
The moves are simple to learn, easy to remember and totally
devastating to your attacker. I cant wait to train further with Ron as he
loves to teach and train new people and share his awesome skills. In the
5 hours we spent training, I gained some more confidence in my skills. I
also was humbled on some myths of the street as to what works and
what doesn’t, and went away with a new respect and outlook to combat
training. With Rons techniques it doesn’t matter if your 5'5" and 120
pounds or 6'5" 250 pounds the skills and tools he gives you equals or
even puts the "chips" in your corner! Thanks Ron! If your looking for
quick easy devastating techniques look no further than LMI and Ron....
It’s been about two weeks since myself and a friend have returned from
LMI’s Defensive Knife course. First, let me say Thanks to Ron and LMI
for hosting this course for us.
We got to LMI and after the initial meet and greet, we were off right
into the material. No class room or lecture to set through, all meat and
potatoes. The class size was small and that allowed a lot of one on one
instruction. This was beneficial due to the amount of material and
techniques that we covered.
The techniques that we learned were straightforward and simple to
learn. They were easy enough to learn for some one who has no
background in martial arts or in knife fighting. That being said I had
an easier time over my friend, due to my Judo and BJJ training.
Learning to fall and roll correctly was huge, especially being a big guy.
The techniques taught flowed falsely from empty hand to knife defense
to any weapon defense.
I will say one thing about knife fighting, offensive or defensive, you are
going to be cut. We were demonstrated and instructed that it’s up to
you if you want to be cut once or multiple times. The normal person
(sheep) when confronted with a bad guy with a knife would be to get
some distance. Which is not a bad idea, but a determined bad guy is
still going to get you. We were taught to close the distance and take the
intuitive and use the techniques we were taught (wolf response). It may
not seem natural to close the distance especially when confronted with
a knife but the demonstration opened are eyes. The “NO LIE BLADES”
do not lie. As the pic shows.
All in all the instruction at LMI was first rate. Ron’s course was
informative, straight onwards and enlightening. My toolbox definitely
got bigger after this class. I recommend attending a training course at
LMI; you will add tools to the toolbox or sharpen the ones you have.
The course sure let me know just how inefficient I was, physically
speaking and also with my proficiency with a SG. I hope this helps
anyone who is thinking of taking a course, ESPECIALLY RON'S AT
LMI, be ready for a day of moving around, realistic scenarios, more
moving around, having a good time, and learning a lot about yourself
and your abilities. If you have time, I'd recommend the CQC courses
that he teaches as well. these skills will help you when you will not be
able to deploy a gun or blade fast enough....and still stop the attack.
just my thoughts.....
I am a student at LMI and I have taken this shotgun course and I must
say it was very fun indeed and I learned a lot! This isn’t your average
range course where you just stand around and shoot. This course gets
your adrenaline pumping and gets you moving. I learned so much in
this course and can now say I am pretty damn good with this shotgun
and could hold my own in any situation. You will be running back and
forth to cover and concealment while the LMI instructor calls out
targets at random. He may also load your tube with dummy rounds so
you will learn awareness, clear your bad shell and keep moving.
During all of this you will be changing rounds, going from slug to buck
and back. You will never know what target is next so you must be ready
at all times. I cant wait to start the pistol course soon!
Ryan F.
Ron's knowledge of self defense is excellent. His training is based more
on real world fighting. His focus is more on awareness and how to
avoid a situation. But, if you have to, he teaches you how to destroy
your target, and fast. It is not based on martial arts. His knowledge of
edged weapons and improvised weapons is exceptional. Highly
recommended to anyone wishing to learn how to defend themselves in
the real word. My wife is planning on taking his class this spring. The
great thing was how he was able to customize the training by coming to
my house, after I worked all day, including one weekend
Dave O.
I just took Ron's defensive shotgun course and found it was awesome.
If you read the student comments in his sticky above, that is exactly
what you'll get. Excellent close quarters combat instruction and lots of
fun to boot. We own AR's for more than just static range shooting. But
the skills learned here are useful all around.
Edward Avila / Owner www.AR15.com.
Since I'm still catching up on work, and will post a much more detailed
report as soon as I get a chance (just finished this 2-day class
yesterday), let me just say I cannot recommend Ron's training enough.
I realize there are many on here that are not willing to take a class from
someone they don't know, so let me say a few words about a few points:
SELF DEFENSE / CQC: For anyone that leaves their house, carries a
knife, or even a gun, I HIGHLY recommend taking not just one but
many courses on self defense. In most real-world situations where no
matter how well armed you are, you need to know how to respond to an
attack /confrontation to either diffuse, avoid, get away, or worst case
get to your primary weapon before all that shooting training will even
come into play. Ron's 2 day course is not for people who carry a knife as
a primary weapon- it is about reacting to an aggressor so you can
asses/react accordingly. This class will give you the basics that you
need, make you aware of many things you probably never thought of,
and teach you some techniques, many of which you can practice on
your own. But like everything else, you will realize that it's just a
beginning- to be proficient you need to continue to train and practice.
LMI: Ron is an excellent instructor, with a full resume of experience,
and all of his teaching is real-world, no-BS, street applications. He can
tailor the training to the group's needs, and I assure you EVERYONE
will learn. Many of Ron's self-defense methods are based on Aikido,
and for those familiar with it, it is a martial art that uses your attacker's
actions/body against them, so that your defense is not based on your
strength or size; everyone can benefit from these lessons, regardless of
current abilities or experience.
If any of you are thinking this is a knife on knife fighting class (perhaps
the course title is misleading), rest assured there is much more to it.
This class is about responding to a confrontation which will most likely
be in your face, fast, and your life may depend on your initial 1-2
seconds of reaction. There will be a number of eye-opening demos,
lessons, and experiences for those that attend. As stated before, not
only to I recommend this class, I'd say it should be REQUIRED for
everyone with any sort of an interest in self-defense or protecting those
you care about. I'd go so far as to say it is the most important training
anyone can undergo, no matter what your choice of weapon is. If you
were going to take one class, then I'd say this should be it.
I just wanted to say how great Ron's training at LMI is......I have been
working with LMI for a year now.....i have taken many of the courses
they offer and I'm always impressed with what I learn each and every
time........my main focus though, is CQC....
.....LMI's CQC personal defense course is well, ....AWESOME!......i have
learned SO much in the past year and his training is worth every
penny........my confidence level has risen, and i know 100%, that i could
devastate my opponent within seconds if i really needed to......you will
learn how to QUICKLY! stop or take down your opponent with ease and
also learn what to do in a situation AFTER THE FACT, which is also a
must know......Ive learned so many things about real life situations and
what the "average person" does in these certain situations.....from what
Ive learned at LMI and what Ive seen in everyday life, i refuse to be that
average person anymore......i now feel completely comfortable handling
an edged weapon and would actually prefer that over a pistol any
day......that is how fast you will be with your new found skills.......i urge
the members here to at least give LMI a try......they offer many free
courses and you WILL come back to learn more......that is how great
you feel when you leave......i have seen many videos of companies that
say they provide the same training and techniques.....this is not true at
all!..... i guarantee you will see a huge difference in the style of training
within the first half hour of the course........so don’t be shy, and sign up
for one of LMI's Saturday group courses they offer once a month......its
very cheap and you’ll have 4 hours to see how great this training is and
get a feel for the style of instruction they offer and you will see exactly
what i mean......i hope to see you at class! thanks for listening and have
Testimonials (page 1)‘LMI is what we were called before we changed our name to Street Combatives’A great philosopher once said “we learn by doing”. A great CQC instructor says “this is how you rock the bad guy’s world”. Then he pops you to make sure you get the point. Book learners and fancy dancers need not apply. The LMI experience is straight forward, hands on, literally “in your face” training that relentlessly focuses on the mind set and technique necessary to neutralize and counter violent threats to your personal safety. My investment in a 3 course combination of Close Quarters Combat, Defensive Knife and Close Quarter Gun fighting proved to be especially productive. Core training concepts were repeated and reinforced in a variety of scenarios sharing the same goal: victorious survival of a deadly confrontation. Realistic exercises produced a profound paradigm shift that’s difficult to put into words. Suffice to say that while my personal safety was never in doubt, I was popped, choked, slashed and shot until I clearly understood what needs to be done to get home safe at the end of a very bad day. If you harbor any doubts about your ability to physically respond in a tight spot, want to build your confidence or are just looking to polish existing close combat skills, I highly recommend that you give Ron a call. The modest tuition may prove to be the best life insurance you ever buy.
Anthony B
Hello! I just wanted to take the time to comment on
Ron's course! I took one of his introductory courses on
02/17/09 And Ill definitely be coming back for more! I
must say my first impression on meeting Ron was he
was very ordinary looking, very polite, courteous and
friendly which was very welcoming(which I have to say
was not what I expected from a CQC instructor)
however He is a wolf in sheeps clothing for sure(much
like I expected a a CQC instructor to be like minus the
sheep skin)!
After a brief introduction we went into his gym and
went over what we would be learning over the next
few hours while we waited for the other classmate to
arrive. Oh and I have to say Ron is no sheep at all
when it was time to get to business he was all wolf and
had as much passion and desire to teach his skills to
Ron has extensive and unique training tools to teach
hand to hand, knife fighting and defense, and much
more, in a very easy to learn package! All of what we
learned in the intro class was built from a few key
components that we just built from to better suit our
attack or defense whether it was from a fist, a grab, a
knife , a bat or what ever.. The moves are simple to
learn, easy to remember and totally devastating to
your attacker. I cant wait to train further with Ron as
he loves to teach and train new people and share his
awesome skills. In the 5 hours we spent training, I
gained some more confidence in my skills. I also was
humbled on some myths of the street as to what works
and what doesn’t, and went away with a new respect
and outlook to combat training. With Rons techniques
it doesn’t matter if your 5'5" and 120 pounds or 6'5"
250 pounds the skills and tools he gives you equals or
even puts the "chips" in your corner! Thanks Ron! If
your looking for quick easy devastating techniques
look no further than LMI and Ron....
It’s been about two weeks since myself and a friend
have returned from LMI’s Defensive Knife course.
First, let me say Thanks to Ron and LMI for hosting
this course for us.
We got to LMI and after the initial meet and greet, we
were off right into the material. No class room or
lecture to set through, all meat and potatoes. The class
size was small and that allowed a lot of one on one
instruction. This was beneficial due to the amount of
material and techniques that we covered.
The techniques that we learned were straightforward
and simple to learn. They were easy enough to learn
for some one who has no background in martial arts or
in knife fighting. That being said I had an easier time
over my friend, due to my Judo and BJJ training.
Learning to fall and roll correctly was huge, especially
being a big guy. The techniques taught flowed falsely
from empty hand to knife defense to any weapon
I will say one thing about knife fighting, offensive or
defensive, you are going to be cut. We were
demonstrated and instructed that it’s up to you if you
want to be cut once or multiple times. The normal
person (sheep) when confronted with a bad guy with a
knife would be to get some distance. Which is not a
bad idea, but a determined bad guy is still going to get
you. We were taught to close the distance and take the
intuitive and use the techniques we were taught (wolf
response). It may not seem natural to close the
distance especially when confronted with a knife but
the demonstration opened are eyes. The “NO LIE
BLADES” do not lie. As the pic shows.
All in all the instruction at LMI was first rate. Ron’s
course was informative, straight onwards and
enlightening. My toolbox definitely got bigger after
this class. I recommend attending a training course at
LMI; you will add tools to the toolbox or sharpen the
ones you have.
The course sure let me know just how inefficient I was,
physically speaking and also with my proficiency with
a SG. I hope this helps anyone who is thinking of
taking a course, ESPECIALLY RON'S AT LMI, be
ready for a day of moving around, realistic scenarios,
more moving around, having a good time, and learning
a lot about yourself and your abilities. If you have time,
I'd recommend the CQC courses that he teaches as
well. these skills will help you when you will not be
able to deploy a gun or blade fast enough....and still
stop the attack. VERY USEFUL!!!!
just my thoughts.....
I am a student at LMI and I have taken this shotgun
course and I must say it was very fun indeed and I
learned a lot! This isn’t your average range course
where you just stand around and shoot. This course
gets your adrenaline pumping and gets you moving. I
learned so much in this course and can now say I am
pretty damn good with this shotgun and could hold my
own in any situation. You will be running back and
forth to cover and concealment while the LMI
instructor calls out targets at random. He may also
load your tube with dummy rounds so you will learn
awareness, clear your bad shell and keep moving.
During all of this you will be changing rounds, going
from slug to buck and back. You will never know what
target is next so you must be ready at all times. I cant
wait to start the pistol course soon!
Ryan F.
Ron's knowledge of self defense is excellent. His
training is based more on real world fighting. His focus
is more on awareness and how to avoid a situation.
But, if you have to, he teaches you how to destroy your
target, and fast. It is not based on martial arts. His
knowledge of edged weapons and improvised weapons
is exceptional. Highly recommended to anyone
wishing to learn how to defend themselves in the real
word. My wife is planning on taking his class this
spring. The great thing was how he was able to
customize the training by coming to my house, after I
worked all day, including one weekend
Dave O.
I just took Ron's defensive shotgun course and found it
was awesome. If you read the student comments in his
sticky above, that is exactly what you'll get. Excellent
close quarters combat instruction and lots of fun to
boot. We own AR's for more than just static range
shooting. But the skills learned here are useful all
Edward Avila / Owner www.AR15.com.
Since I'm still catching up on work, and will post a
much more detailed report as soon as I get a chance
(just finished this 2-day class yesterday), let me just
say I cannot recommend Ron's training enough. I
realize there are many on here that are not willing to
take a class from someone they don't know, so let me
say a few words about a few points:
SELF DEFENSE / CQC: For anyone that leaves their
house, carries a knife, or even a gun, I HIGHLY
recommend taking not just one but many courses on
self defense. In most real-world situations where no
matter how well armed you are, you need to know how
to respond to an attack /confrontation to either
diffuse, avoid, get away, or worst case get to your
primary weapon before all that shooting training will
even come into play. Ron's 2 day course is not for
people who carry a knife as a primary weapon- it is
about reacting to an aggressor so you can asses/react
accordingly. This class will give you the basics that you
need, make you aware of many things you probably
never thought of, and teach you some techniques,
many of which you can practice on your own. But like
everything else, you will realize that it's just a
beginning- to be proficient you need to continue to
train and practice.
LMI: Ron is an excellent instructor, with a full resume
of experience, and all of his teaching is real-world, no-
BS, street applications. He can tailor the training to the
group's needs, and I assure you EVERYONE will learn.
Many of Ron's self-defense methods are based on
Aikido, and for those familiar with it, it is a martial art
that uses your attacker's actions/body against them, so
that your defense is not based on your strength or size;
everyone can benefit from these lessons, regardless of
current abilities or experience.
If any of you are thinking this is a knife on knife
fighting class (perhaps the course title is misleading),
rest assured there is much more to it. This class is
about responding to a confrontation which will most
likely be in your face, fast, and your life may depend on
your initial 1-2 seconds of reaction. There will be a
number of eye-opening demos, lessons, and
experiences for those that attend. As stated before, not
only to I recommend this class, I'd say it should be
REQUIRED for everyone with any sort of an interest in
self-defense or protecting those you care about. I'd go
so far as to say it is the most important training anyone
can undergo, no matter what your choice of weapon is.
If you were going to take one class, then I'd say this
should be it.
I just wanted to say how great Ron's training at LMI
is......I have been working with LMI for a year now.....i
have taken many of the courses they offer and I'm
always impressed with what I learn each and every
time........my main focus though, is CQC....
.....LMI's CQC personal defense course is well,
....AWESOME!......i have learned SO much in the past
year and his training is worth every penny........my
confidence level has risen, and i know 100%, that i
could devastate my opponent within seconds if i really
needed to......you will learn how to QUICKLY! stop or
take down your opponent with ease and also learn
what to do in a situation AFTER THE FACT, which is
also a must know......Ive learned so many things about
real life situations and what the "average person" does
in these certain situations.....from what Ive learned at
LMI and what Ive seen in everyday life, i refuse to be
that average person anymore......i now feel completely
comfortable handling an edged weapon and would
actually prefer that over a pistol any day......that is how
fast you will be with your new found skills.......i urge
the members here to at least give LMI a try......they
offer many free courses and you WILL come back to
learn more......that is how great you feel when you
leave......i have seen many videos of companies that say
they provide the same training and techniques.....this
is not true at all!..... i guarantee you will see a huge
difference in the style of training within the first half
hour of the course........so don’t be shy, and sign up for
one of LMI's Saturday group courses they offer once a
month......its very cheap and you’ll have 4 hours to see
how great this training is and get a feel for the style of
instruction they offer and you will see exactly what i
mean......i hope to see you at class! thanks for listening