© Street Combatives 2022
Q: How long does it take to get proficient so I can
protect myself and my family?
A: It depends on the student. Combatives is a life style
and a commitment. It’s about how often and how hard
you train as well as your diet, how often you exercise
and your mindset.
You are not going to learn to be proficient in one or two
weeks like many instructors will tell you. Heck, some
even tell you that it only takes a day if you train with
them because they will teach you ‘Secret Ninja
Techniques’ that the government doesn’t want you to
making money off your ignorance.
Combatives is a way of life. I’ve been shooting and
training since 1982 and I AM STILL LEARNING.
Most of our students have been here for over a year
with some being here for over 3 years.
How fast you learn depends on YOU. You also have to
ask yourself ‘How much do you want to learn and how
committed are you at learning?’ Do you want to learn
to simply push away and run or do you want to learn
what to do should you thrown onto a parking lot in the
dark on a storming night with a broken arm and are
being attacked by two bad guys with knives?
Some students learn faster than others and some never
do. Some students change their personal schedules
around so they can train as often as they can, while
others only train once or twice a month.
Learning a skill is a reflection of the students will and
spirit. If the student really wants to learn then they
will find ways to train, and when they are not training,
they are thinking about training.
It is easy to understand the principles of a technique,
but being able to applying those techniques under the
pressures and the chaotic excitement of an attack takes
years, not days.
The more you train, the more proficient,
and confident you become.
Street Combatives
Specializing in Close Quarter and Knife Combatives