© Street Combatives 2022
Q: Does a person have to be in great shape to train with you guys?
A: Yes and No
Sorry, but being obese and out of shape is more dangerous to your health than the possibility of being attacked. If you can’t
run up a flight of stairs or across a parking lot to help save one of your children, than what good are you going to be in a fight?
Face it,, unless you are looking for trouble, you are going to be more at risk of a heart attack/stroke or loosing your balance /
falling and breaking something than being in a physical altercation. There simply is no benefit from being obese.
We cannot
help you loose weight, that has to come from you.
This is also true with endurance, strength, speed and flexibility. However, unlike weight loss, we can help you with this. If
someone throws you to the ground and you simply can’t do anything because of your lack of conditioning and lack of muscle,
you will be next to useless in a fight if the person is bigger than you. Sorry, but it’s the truth. Fights are exhausting, very
dynamic and there is often more than one attacker. If you expend all your energy on the first attacker and turn around just to
face another, you had better be in better shape than he or she is. Remember, you are exhausted and he is nice and rested.
And sorry,, going for a firearm when someone is trying to attack you is suicide.
Please read the 21 foot rule.
We are not a type of gym where everyone has ripped and molded bodies, but we are strong and not afraid of hard work, being
twisted, thrown around, sweating, getting small bruises or being sore the day after training. All of our students have families
and jobs. Molded bodies are great on TV and is often a requirement within an MMA Contract but let’s face it,, most of us do
not have the will nor the time to mold our bodies the way someone else wants it.
If you are interested in learning to fight and you are not in shape, than getting into shape should be your primary goal. Our
goal is to help you get you into shape as well as teach you the skills to protect yourself should you be attacked.
We do train hard and we do train for two and a half hours every time we get together. We do sweat and being sore during and
after training is typical. Our training is demanding and can be very rigorous at times and similar to what you would find on a
military base.
We get many students come in telling us how 'In Shape' they are because they work out, go to crossfit and/or they run a lot,
but once we start training they realize just how 'Not-in-Shape' they really are. Especially when it comes to our High Intensity
Workouts that we do after most of our daily meets when we break out the pinch blocks, hurdles, battle ropes and ground bags.
If you are afraid to work hard, sweat, maybe get a small bruise or two and be sore the next day, we may not be right for you.
Everyone is sore at first because we use muscles that people don’t normally use on a day to day basis. There are many martial
art gyms in the area that may be better suited for you, but there is no way to actually learn to fight without actually practicing
how to fight.
Sorry to be blunt, but I want you to know what our training is like BEFORE YOU GET HERE AND REALIZE THAT YOU
MADE A MISTAKE. Most students that start with us are OUT OF SHAPE.
We get people in all the time that only last an hour; young people under 25 who are afraid of hard work and sweat, 30 year
olds who have zero endurance and can’t even train for an hour because they are so out of shape, and we get older people can’t
do much because they rarely exercise so they are stiff and afraid of getting injured. HOWEVER, everyone has to start some
where and failing to start training is simply pre- surrendering to criminals.
Street Combatives -
Specializing in Close Quarter and Knife Combatives
© Street Combatives 2022
Q: Does a person have to be in great shape to train
with you guys?
A: Yes and No
Sorry, but being obese and out of shape is more
dangerous to your health than the possibility of being
attacked. If you can’t run up a flight of stairs or across
a parking lot to help save one of your children, than
what good are you going to be in a fight? Face it,,
unless you are looking for trouble, you are going to be
more at risk of a heart attack/stroke or loosing your
balance / falling and breaking something than being
in a physical altercation. There simply is no benefit
from being obese.
We cannot help you loose weight,
that has to come from you.
This is also true with endurance, strength, speed and
However, unlike weight loss, we can help
you with this.
If someone throws you to the ground
and you simply can’t do anything because of your lack
of conditioning and lack of muscle, you will be next to
useless in a fight if the person is bigger than you.
Sorry, but it’s the truth. Fights are exhausting, very
dynamic and there is often more than one attacker. If
you expend all your energy on the first attacker and
turn around just to face another, you had better be in
better shape than he or she is. Remember, you are
exhausted and he is nice and rested. And sorry,,
going for a firearm when someone is trying to attack
you is suicide.
Please read the 21 foot rule.
We are not a type of gym where everyone has ripped
and molded bodies, but we are strong and not afraid
of hard work, being twisted, thrown around, sweating,
getting small bruises or being sore the day after
training. All of our students have families and jobs.
Molded bodies are great on TV and is often a
requirement within an MMA Contract but let’s face it,,
most of us do not have the will nor the time to mold
our bodies the way someone else wants it.
If you are interested in learning to fight and you are
not in shape, than getting into shape should be your
primary goal. Our goal is to help you get you into
shape as well as teach you the skills to protect yourself
should you be attacked.
We do train hard and we do train for two and a half
hours every time we get together. We do sweat and
being sore during and after training is typical. Our
training is demanding and can be very rigorous at
times and similar to what you would find on a military
We get many students come in telling us how 'In
Shape' they are because they work out, go to crossfit
and/or they run a lot, but once we start training they
realize just how 'Not-in-Shape' they really are.
Especially when it comes to our High Intensity
Workouts that we do after most of our daily meets
when we break out the pinch blocks, hurdles, battle
ropes and ground bags.
If you are afraid to work hard, sweat, maybe get a
small bruise or two and be sore the next day, we may
not be right for you. Everyone is sore at first because
we use muscles that people don’t normally use on a
day to day basis. There are many martial art gyms in
the area that may be better suited for you, but there is
no way to actually learn to fight without actually
practicing how to fight.
Sorry to be blunt, but I want you to know what our
training is like BEFORE YOU GET HERE AND
students that start with us are OUT OF SHAPE.
We get people in all the time that only last an hour;
young people under 25 who are afraid of hard work
and sweat, 30 year olds who have zero endurance and
can’t even train for an hour because they are so out of
shape, and we get older people can’t do much because
they rarely exercise so they are stiff and afraid of
getting injured. HOWEVER, everyone has to start
some where and failing to start training is just giving
in to the criminals.
Street Combatives
Specializing in Close Quarter and Knife Combatives