Whether you carry a handgun or keep one at home for personal protection, one of the most neglected responsibilities of owning a firearm is LEARNING HOW TO USE IT. Reality Based Basic Handgun. This is a basic 4 hour course of instruction that introduces students to the basics of drawing, drawing from concealment, movement, barricades, structural searching, securing and the stresses of using a firearm under pressure. This class will also teach students basic Close Quarter Combative Techniques designed to manipulate an attacker and create enough space between the attacker and the student so the student can effectively draw their handgun and re-assess the situation. Students will learn the importance of situational awareness as well as how to use their bare hands, elbows and knees to do what is necessary so that they can draw their handguns from concealment while under high duress and engage a lethal threat.Umarex Glock 19 training handguns are used during this course. These training firearms feel and act like the real ones, and can not fire real bullets so training is safe.is safe. They fire small plastic .25 gram airsoft BB’s at 250 - 300 feet per second. We use non lethal training firearms because they are safe to shoot indoors and they allow us to train and practice that which the vast majority of shooting ranges will not the public practice.*You must have a current FOID CARD to take this course!! $100 per personCourses are held inside our gym on Saturdays, and Sundays. Contact us to schedule. NO AMMUNITION OR EQUIPMENT TO BUYLimited to four students
Street Combatives -
Specializing in Close Quarter and Knife Combatives
Whether you carry a handgun or keep one at home for personal protection, one of the most neglected responsibilities of owning a firearm is LEARNING HOW TO USE IT. Reality Based Basic Handgun. This is a basicfour hour course of instruction that introduces students to the basics of drawing, drawing from concealment, movement, barricades, structural searching, securing and the stresses of using a firearm under pressure. This class will also teach students basic Close Quarter Combative Techniques designed to manipulate an attacker and create enough space between the attacker and the student so the student can effectively draw their handgun and re-assess the situation. Students will learn the importance of situational awareness as well as how to use their bare hands, elbows and knees to do what is necessary so that they can draw their handguns from concealment while under high duress and engage a lethal threat.Umarex Glock 19 training handguns are used during this course. These training firearms feel and act like the real ones, and can not fire real bullets so training is safe. Instead, they fire small plastic .25 gram airsoft BB’s at 250 - 300 feet per second. We use non lethal training firearms because they are safe to shoot indoors, and they allow us to train and practice that which the vast majority of shooting ranges will not the public practice.*You must have a current FOID CARD to take this course!! $100 per personCourses are held inside our gym on Saturdays, and Sundays. Contact us to schedule. NO AMMUNITION OR EQUIPMENT TO BUYLimited to four students
Street Combatives Specializing in Close Quarter and Knife Combatives