© Street Combatives 2022
Q: Do you guys have a class for ‘Women Only’?
A: NO, it doesn’t make sense to.
I never understood the concept of why women who
are afraid of being attacked by men would want to
train only with women.
Lets be real,, Men and Women are DIFFERENT.
Men are often taller, heavier and stronger than
women. YES, not all BUT MOST. Training with a
100-140 pound woman is great but that will do
nothing for you if you are ever faced with a 6’ 280
pound guy with a chip on his shoulder.
Yeah, guys are going to be harder to train with. They
are going to be sweaty, hard to hurt and hard to throw
around but isn’t that what you want to learn how to
do? Training with guys is also a great workout as it
helps to build strength, endurance and confidence.
If you only train with 120 pound women who scream
when punched, kicked or twisted and are easily
thrown to the ground,, How does that prepare you for
the guy on the streets who is 200 plus pounds and is
immune to pain because of the drugs he just took or
the alcohol he just drank?
If you are worried about being attacked by a 120
women than yes, I could understand training against
120 pound women, but if you are worried about being
attacked by a taller, stronger man, than it is essential
for you to train with that type of person. It is the only
way to learn what it is going to take to stop an
Street Combatives
Specializing in Close Quarter and Knife Combatives